Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Hello everybody.

Here is the link for the new Spanish blog:


Friday, September 10, 2010

6th Grade

Hola amigos de 6to.

Your homework is due: Martes 14 de Septiembre.

You need to bring:

1) 6 canciones (your choice of songs)
2) 3 emociones por cancion

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Final Essay 8th graders

Hola amigos y amigas de 8vo:

The date for the Final Essay of Maus is Wednesday June 2nd.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Prueba de Español

6tos Basicos:

Your test will be three parts:

1). Ser v/s Estar (To be)
2). Hay (There is v/s There are)
3) Estar + gerundio (To be + Verb-ing)

The test will be May 26th

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Amigos de 6tos

The Acrostic poem (with the illustration) is due May 11th

Ensayo 8vos

Amigos y Amigas...

The 2nd draft of the Maus essay is due: May 13th

  • Don't forget to look for support in your ideas
  • Write the essay's question at the top

Monday, April 12, 2010

Prueba 7mos

Hola amigos y amigas.

Monday, April 19th not only is Sabina's birthday but also the Spanish test.
Here are the topics:

1) Ser v/s Estar (To be)
2) Hay (There is, there are)
3) Estar + gerundio (Estar + verb ing)

We will keep working in class.


Ensayo 8vos

Hola amigos y amigas.

1st draft of the Maus essay is due on Thursday, April 15th.


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Preguntas Ensayo Maus

Hola amigos y amigas,

Here are the questions for the essay.

1).- Crees que la representacion de los Judios como ratones es adecuada?
Do you think the representation of Jews as mice is adequate?

De que manera la historieta te ayudo a entender el Holocausto y sus efectos?
In what ways has the comic helped you in your understanding of the Holocaust and its effects?

Crees que la representacion de los Americanos como perros es justa? Que asociaciones se vienen a tu mente con ese animal en particular?
Do you think the representation of Americans as dogs is a fair one? What are the associations that come to mind with this particular animal?

4) De que manera es la idea de "represion" representada en el arte y el lenguaje del libro?
In what ways is the idea of repression portrayed in the art and language of the comic book?

5) Discute las maneras en las cual un libro como Maus u otros pueden ser considerados como literatura seria y legitima
Discuss the ways in which a comic book such as Maus or others could be considered as serious or legitimate literature.

Remember that you only need to choose ONE question.